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Helena Ark
Hubbard Plantation
April 11th 1867

Rev. C. W. Buckler
Sup't - Freedmen's Schools Arkansas
Dr Sir

Feeling a deep interest in the Education of our Freedmen- I induced a good Christian woman from Keokunk [[Keokuk]] Iowa to come down and teach on this Plantation. 
Since the high waters I wrote Gen'l O. O. Howard that our Freedmen could not maintain our school or pay the Teacher. J. W. Alvord Esq. Gen'l Supt. Freedmen answered by referring me to you. Our school opened with 6 scholars & has now over sixty. The 21st of the month will by the End of the 2d month. when I will send you a report. We have an interesting Sabbath school of Fifty scholars, and are in receipt this day of a nice Lot of books & Papers Tracts &c. &c. from Western "Tract Society" Cincinnati - for distribution, sent by my Friends - Our Teacher is dependant on her own Efforts in a great measure for a [[?]] and if you have any avenue through which

Transcription Notes:
Keokuk Iowa, changes and corrections