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Office Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Arkadelphia April 30th, 1867

Will you please forward me the blanks necessary for returns for the Freedmans school at this place. Mr Hare has two copies which he brought with him, (form "No 3') and requested me write for more.

The school here is doing very well and Thus far has given general satisfaction to all parties (both white and black) some 50 or 60 scholars attend (day and night) and more could be enrolled if there were room and the fees not so much, which now are one dollar per month owing to the fact that there are a great majority of women in this county as mostly all have families  The small portion having gone to the larger plantation on the river where wages were higher which leaves the female portion with large families and very small wages as it requires about all they can make to clothe themselves and children, Court will be in session here in July. when that piece of property bought by the freedmen will be settled and a perfect title given. Will there be a probability of the government building a house for them and what will be the allowance made. Think you.

The property where the school now is is an estate of deceased party and the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] administration well ask   

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