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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
For the State of Arkansas,
Office of Superintendent of Education,
Little Rock Ark., Apr. 29th 1867
Pine Bluff

Lt.. W.. M.. Colby
Gen'l Supt. Schools
Little Rock

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to give you a statement of the expenses of teaching in the following counties sell Jefferson, Arkansas and Desha. Steamboat fare for Miss Carhart to Farindale $10.00, Portage $1.00. A.C. Stickle & wife to Judge Fletcher's $10.00 each.  Portage $1.00 each. K.M. Jeff to Pine Bluff $6.00.  Portage $1.00.

I have the honor to be your 
Obedient Servant
Enoch K. Miller
Asst. Sup't. Schools Ark.

Mr. Stewart will fill out transit certificates 

Davison Howard
Maggie Farmer