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Office Agent Bureau R Land A.L
Jacksonport Ark
July 29th 1869

Wm M Colby
Genl Supt Schools Ark.
Little Rock Ark.


I have the honor to state that the teacher intended for the Williams' place, Thos Nowall has arrived and will have his school in operation in a few days.  In regard to the school at this place I have used every incentive and endeavor to have it succeed, had a building erected, becoming responsible for the new lumber used, and paid a months board for the teacher.  Still there seems to be difficulty, the Freedmen although anxious to send their children and fully aware of the benefits accruing from education, have not the money to pay for their tuition.  There have been as many as 25 in attendance, which I think will increase to a much larger number and it is my desire and determination that it shall succeed.  Should I have to send to you for a teacher, the one officiating at present, not altogether pleasing me but the best I could do under the circumstances.  There is some prospect of still another school being inaugurated some seven miles from here.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm Brian Capt VRC
Agent R F & A L