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Davis Lake. Aug 19th 1867

Rev. E. R. Miller

Dear Bro.

Yours of 9th inst came duly to hand and as a boat is reported as going up tomorrow I reply promptly

Your books - 34 spelling books and 14 2 readers arrived with the letter, with medicine enclosed - just the medicine and just the books I wanted - but the 1st Readers and "Freedmen" from Chicago do not come.  What do you suppose is the matter?  I want them badly

And now a word about health.  My wife was sick - down sick that entire week in which you visited us, and I was sick - very sick the next week except Monday and the Monday following this.  I lost 10 days and Mrs S. six days.  Since then Mrs S. has been very feeble and has a chill (sometimes very hard) fever and sweat almost every night.  These attacks seem to defy medicine and I am afraid will run into typhoid fever or congestive chills.  Now I've made up my mind to do this.  Wait till I've been here six months or more before I want to go home but in order to be prepared for emergencies, apply to [[Shipland]] for furlough and money so that I can go if I must.  I don't want to take trans. out of the soc. if I can help it, and I hope to help it.