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Recommending trans &c Please write Mr. S. if you think it advisable and I'll do the same

As for me all desire to go home is absent except in case it be necessary to save my wife and I shall avoid it if possible.

Many of my scholars are sick and I have several new ones. Would have many more if I would use the spelling books but think the progression is too rapid.

I rec'd to day copy of Great Republic addressing me with all the little to which I am to aspire - during this year.

Mr. Douglass of F. B. at Fairdale was down to-day as herald to additional registration where imperfectly notified before, I suspect your visit as having something to do with these matters Mrs S. sends compliments.

Write me whenever you can

Yours Hurriedly
A. C. Stickle

189    1867

Davis Lake, Ark.
August 19th 1867.

A. C. Stickles,

Reports arrival of Books sent by Ass't Supt. Mrs. Stickles sick, but is intending to remain until the end of six months before going home if possible.

Rece'd O.S.E. Aug. 27, '67.

Transcription Notes: