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goods for their proposed store besides paying out for him in this place some $30.00 When Weight started for Shreveport he borrowed Smiths revolver & a pony from one of the freedmen to ride. Mr. Smith furnishing saddle & bridle - at Spring hill he sold the pony, saddle & bridle to a man there to take him in a buggy to Shreveport, and I am told that some man sent $50.00 by Weight to make purchases for him in the city. And from your letter he was plying his swindling operation in Cincinnati. I hope that justice has over taken him ere this. I intend inviting Hare & Hazledine to spend a few days with me as this place is central and I would like to have the benefit of their experience - cant we have a state teachers association next year? As I am not feeling well today I will defer writing more hoping to hear from you soon 
I remain 
Respectfully your obdt serv 
D.C. Casey