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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
For Arkansas.
Office of Assistant Commissioner
Little Rock, Ark., Sept 9th, 1867.

Revd. E. K. Miller.
Asst. Supt. Education.
Little Rock, Ark.

Sir, I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to furnish for your information the following extract from the report of Lieut. F. W. Thibaut. Agent at Washington, for the month of August, 1867.
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"The school-house at this place is completed and will be opened by Mr. D. C. Casey, the school teacher, on Monday, Sept. 9th 1867. The attendance bids fair to be very large, and all the freedmen feel justly proud of it, and are anxious that it may be successfull. The school on Red River is, and has been, closed since the departure of Mr. Wright. A number of persons from that vicinity