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Capt. Daniels Store Sept. 1867

Rev. E. W. Miller
Asst. Supt. Education &c
Dear Bro:- I am here today and understand that a boat is shortly expected and so will take the opportunity of writing you.
I have had two chills this week and my wife two this week and [[underline]] terrible [[/underline]] ones at that yesterday I missed mine and hope my wife will miss hers today. I cause her to get some quinine but finding it worth $4.00 a bottle and a cash article I won't invest - (can't) unless I can get some at retail.
I intend to stay here if I can this year so as to become acclimated for next year. No change in school matters but I have twelve new scholars. Come down if you can soon and see us. Col. Brand expects to be back on first or