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Office Bureau R. F & AL
Madison Arkansas
Sept 30th 1867

Hon. Wm. Colby 
Supt of Education 
Bureau RF and A.L. Little Rock

Dear Sir:

I have the honor to transmit herewith my School Report for the month of Sept 1867

There are no blank reports in the office, so we forward these, being the next best that we could do.  I write for blanks but cannot wait longer for them, as the report should have been sent some days ago. 

We have also shown in these reports, the Temperance Societies, organized this month.

I have only devoted the Sabbaths to the work of Sabbath Schools & Temperance Societies, have been here three Sabbaths.

I hope to be able to start a Sabbath School and Temperance Society in nearly every neighborhood in this Dist.  The interest is