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War Department.
Bureau of Refugees, Refugees and Abandoned Lands
Washington, September 28th, 1864

Circular Letter. 


I am directed by the Commissioner to inform you that twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00/100) from the appropriation for rental and repairs of school buildings, has been allowed to your state for the fiscal year ending July, 1868. 

Please arrange to make this amount as available as possible for extending the works of education.  This may be used in the manners indicated in former instructions. 

The above amount is in addition to that you may receive from "Confederate Property."

It is known that there is an increased demand for school-houses and earnest solicitations for help in every state.  It is not probable that every demand can be met, but you will make the wisest expenditures possible of the amount allowed, make it go as far as possible, and see that your Superintendent becomes fully acquainted with the actual and most pressing wants of the freedmen in the different parts of the state.

Everything should be done this year to