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Rocky Comfort 
Oct 24th 1867 

Hon Wm M Colby 
Supt Education Ark 

Dear Bro, 

We had a very successful meeting at Lewisville Monday evening last, at which we elected a board of school trustees, and raised enough money for the purchase of a lot upon which to erect a building for school house. 

When the deed is secured you will be officially notified by Capt Smith the agent. 

The principal citizens assured me that they desired us to send them a good teacher, and I read a petition signed by a score of the leading white citizens asking for a teacher.

The Freedmen pledge at least $75 per month for teacher and responsible parties have entered into a bond to the amount of $188.00, as that that amount will be raised.

A few hundred dollars judiciously expended then would do a great deal of good.

I shall reach Washington Saturday when I will report further progress