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L.F. p.25 #54 

Office Bureau of R F. and A.L.
Camden Ark Nov 2d 1867.

Wm M Colby Esq
Supt of Scools B.R.F. and A.L.
Little Rock Ark.


Your letter of the 26th of Oct. is received and Contents noted  In reply I would state that I have had a meeting of the freedmen at this place and have the assurance of over one hundred that they can pay the Colored man and wife from St Louis $100.00 

I am well satisfied that if they are competent teachers they can do even better than this.  Colored parties offer to board them at a less sum by half than white persons get board at &c

I am very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt.
J L Thorpe
Agent B.R.F and A.L.