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[[first panel]]
248 R F B L.S. O.S.E 258-1867
L.R. Vol. 87 (C.A.) 4th M.D., 1867
DeWitt Ark Oct 13/67
Darrell C.W.
Post Marker.
LR 330 C. O. A. 16. 1867,,
Make that the colored people in the town of DeWitt are very anxious to have a school established for their benefit and as they have decided here to become their teacher he is an applicant of the position

[[Stamp]] B.R.F. [?] Md. Ark. [[??]] Little Rock Nov 5 1867 [[/Stamp]]

Wrapper (/) Enclosures
Recd. 4th M. D., (C.A.) Oct 25th 1867.

[[second panel]]
Headquarters Fourth Military District,
Office of Civil Affairs,
Hally Fringo[Strikethrough] Wicksburg [[/Strikethrough]] Miss, October 28'' 1867.
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig General Commissioner B.R.F. and A. Lands for the state of Arkansas

By Command of
Bvt Maj Genl Ord
O.L. [[?]]
Asst Adjt Genl.
e 89. Vol 216

Transcription Notes:
Lots of words I could not read. Deleted the transcriptions with ?? and replaced them with the right text.