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Bureau of R.F.& A.L.
Washington Arkansas
Nov 11th, 1867

Wm M Colby
Supt of Education

Your communication of the 4 inst has been received and in reply thereto would inform you that I have now a supply of mens clothing on hand for issue to destitute freedmen and I frequently have occasion to issue it. My communication to you was in regard to women and childrens clothing. I have none and a number of this class are in want of some. When I alluded to the subject I was of the opinion that you might be in communication with some Benevolent Society that would aid us if the subject was brought to their attention. I thank you for the interest you have already manifested.

The Sewing Society bids fair to be a success.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Sevt
F.W. Thibaut
Lieut 6th Infty. Agent