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American Missionary Association
29, Lombard Block;
Chicago, December 12" 1867

George Whipple, New York.
Michael E. Strieby, New York.
Jacob R. Shipherd, Chicago.

Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education. Little Rock, Ark.

Yours of the 4th wish is at hand. 
We have just completed a new School Report and Register which have been distributed to all teachers and Superintendents in the Western Dept. Our embarrassment hitherto has arisen from the various views of Supts. in different States. The obvious importance of uniformity in all reports received for consolidation at this office, will I trust assure Mr Colby that it is only with regret that I am unable to recommend the substitution of the Register he names, for our own. However, as our teachers are all instructed to furnish all Reports the Bureau may call for, it will follow that in addition to the Register to be kept for this office, they will be at liberty to use any other which may facilitate the preparation of reports to your office. Any regulations you may establish in accordance with this suggestion will be cordially approved at this office. I have the honor TC.
JR Shepherd Sec'y