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Office Bureau of R.F. and AL.
Camden Ark Jan'y 23rd

Wm M Colby. Esq.               }
Supt of Education B.R.F. & A.L.}
Little Rock Ark.               }

I learn from a number of the Colored people here that Mr Purdy has not come up to their expectations and that Considerable disaffection Exists  I told Mr Purdy this morning that his services would not be required longer than this month

I have met a Colored [[?]] since my return by the name of Gratton find he has the "big head" and is what I call a disorganizer 
I want you to come with the teacher you are going to here as your presence is very much needed.

I am very respectfully 
Your Obdt Servt
J L Thorp
Agent BRF & AL.