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Office Agent B.R.F. and A.L.
For Yell County and adjacent Country
Dardanelle Ark. February 3d 1868

Lieut. John E. Bennett.
Act'g Asst Adjt. Genl

Enclosed herewith I have the honor to forward my Monthly Report on Education for the month of January 1868, and would respectfully State that there are no Freedmen Schools in this district.  In this town and its immediate vicinity there are no less than fifty or Sixty colored children who would gladly attend School; and the need for one is certainly very great, but the Freedmen who have families are unable to give any amount toward providing a School house, or paying or supporting a teacher.  The intolerence and hostility of the "disloyal" toward the Freedmen Schools. would be another obstacle in the way. I think however, that under the protection of the Bureau a School could be carried on otherwise it could not,
I am Sir
Very Respectfully Your obt. Servt.
Wm Morgan
Agent B.R.F. and A.L.

Transcription Notes:,_Arkansas