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Hot Springs Ark. Feb 9. 68

Mr. Wm M Colby
Supt Education
Little Rock Ark -

Sir, In behalf of Mr. Roberts to whom your letter is addressed I have the honor to state according to your request - that he has now the names of forty (40) schollars enrolled upon his list who have agreed to pay him one dollar at the end of each month for his services - He is now renting a house of Mrs. Lempy Crawford (col.d) at 5.00 $ per month, Mr. Roberts is an old man & came here for the benefit of his health - I consider him perfectly honorable & trustworthy - he is out of money & is now in debt for a months board & fuel - I have let him have some money on my own account, seeing his really [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] needy position - He may get some money from the Negroes but I consider it very doubtful now - as they barely have enough