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Hot Springs Ark Feb 14. 68 
Wm M Colby
Sept. Education 
Little Rock Ark- 
Dear Sir: Your letter of the 12th has been rec'd, and contents read to Mr Roberts, I also acknowledge rct of 6 teachers report blanks & School register I will hold them subject to your orders, Mr Roberts is now renting a room of a colored [[strikethough]]no[[/strikethrough]] woman for $5.00 pr month; how long he will be able to keep it at this price I can not say - for as soon as spring opens every nook and corner here will be in great demand - Mr Roberts is entirely out of money- & judging from local surroundings nearly destitute of friends - he is 75 years old & quite infirm - is some what - childish - but his mental facilities seem quite clear- He was a soldier of 1812, & has been a expecting something from Govt for 3 or 4 years- This I think is the only source from which he a expects aid - outside of this school 