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as wish to enroll come and partake from the Fountain. The school is so large that some will necessarily be obliged to quaff lightly. But I have my school so well organized now I think I can manage 100 very easily. I have them divided into six Divisions each in charge of a chief and Sergt and you would be surprised to see How quietly & Busily everything works. Be sure and have the Cupola attached to the School House. and I will see that a fine toned bell is placed in it. I have spent about ten dollars in refitting the school room. Have made a desk extending the whole length of the school room and I had made two recitation benches with backs. My regards to Mrs. Colby. Everything now bids fair for a large & flourishing school Hodge wanted me to say to you that you must send me an assistant. In Haste
I am
Very Respectfully
Your obt servt
Jas A Scovill