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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Office General Superintendent Schools.
Washington, D.C., March 19" 1868
Mr. W.M. Colby
Supt Education
Dear Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your requisition, and to state that 30 copies of Ed Form No. 1 have this day been mailed to your address. Your list of teachers came to hand at the same time.
Permit me to suggest that it is unnecessary for you to pre-pay postage on letter coming to this Bureau. If directed to Maj. Gen. Howard, Com'r they come free; and if intended for this Dept. of the Bureau, state in one corner, "for Supt of Schools", and nothing more is needed.
Very Respectfully
Your obt. servant,
L. Willard Saxton
Chief Clerk School Dept.