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Camden Ark March 23/68
W. H. Colby Esq
Dear Sir

Mr. Scovil informs me that his school is so large that he cannot do justice to the scholars he has now 110, in all.  I hope you will be able to send him an assistant. I have found him to be a very excellent young man, but fear he is trying to do to much. This society will support Two teachers like Mr. C. if you can send a femail Teacher Mr. C says he can make an arrangement for board &c 
I was compelled to use him during the Election for one week as we could not get competent persons who would take the Oath. The Freedmen were quite willing to his acting as one of the Commissioners &c
The people ask me daily what is being done about a School House let me know what you have done &c. I shall go to N Orleans La on Thursday with Mrs T from there she will go home she wishes to be remembered to you.  
Yours Respectfully,
J. H. Thorp