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Batesville, Arks May 23d 1868

Col Wm M Colby
Superintendt Education &c
Little Rock Arks

Dr Sir
I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 11th inst.

Am glad to hear you propose opening the first door to the Freedmen in North Arkansas, with ceremonies suitable to the occasion. You, with Bro. Miller and all who will honor us with a visit on that occasion, will find a hearty welcome at the hands of the loyal portion of this community. 

You can, I think, make arrangements without fear of disapointment to find the building complete by the 10th or 12th proximo. The carpenters work is about done and the painting and plastering is progressing. 

You can write or telegraph us whenever you fix the day for dedication, and our people will make all needful preparations.

My residence is nine miles out of town and any letter or dispatch requiring immediate answer will recieve prompt and cordial attention if