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Hot Spring, Ark. July 29th '68
Wm M Colby, Supt
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your favor of the 23rd Jun & can thus retell.
The one hundred dollars you ask us to raise can be raised any hour so you may consider it done. if I have it all to raise myself I will act as treasurer and do so subject to the order of the proper authority. Please do your best and get as much added to that sum as you can  I have no children of my own to educate but I feel the great importance of educating my race for well do I know that the better they are educated the better citizens they will make. Board can be had at thirty dollars per month. We can get a house already built which is new for $500.00 this house is well located and suited for a school house or we can get a house built for that we get the ground given to us 
let me hear from you soon. 

Yours Respectfully Thomas Bass