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Jacksonport Arkansas
July 30th 1868

W.M. Colby
Supt of Freedmen Schools
Little Rock Ark.

Dr Sir.
I herewith submit a repot of my School from the date of its commencement up to [[strikethrough]] the present time [[/strikethrough]] the end of June.
School opened on Monday May 25th 1868

Whole number enrolled first day  14
Number enrolled first week  21
Number enrolled during the month  43
Oldest Pupil  24 yrs of age.
Youngest Pupil  4 yrs of age.
No. Pupils paying tuition during the month  00
Amount raised by contribution — 
Number attending night Schools (for Adults)  40
Amount paid by pupils in night school  $4.85
Number able to read in the Guffeys 4th Reader  1
Number able to read in the Guffeys 3rd Reader  2
Number able to read in the Guffeys 2nd Reader  1

The balance of the School were in the Alphabet or words of two letters. Only two were left in the Alphabet at the close of the first month. The most of the school are reading in the 1st Reader and able to write or cipher