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Perryville Ark
Oct 21st 1868
Hon W. M. Colby. 
Supt Education Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Little Rock 
Ark Sir. Having learned that there is money at your disposal for building houses for freedmen I have the to report that in this county we have two large settlements of colored people so near together that all can attend one school: a school of 80 or so scholars can be maintained with ease and they are very anxious to send their children to school - will be able to sustain the school - but cannot build a school house.
Said colored people have one acre of land deeded to them for school purposes on which to erect a school house in a central locality and in their behalf I request to be informed what you can do for them the Bureau and our colored men have supported themselves and are orderly and good citizens.
Should you decide to consider this application favorably you will confer a lasting favor upon a needy and greatful people.
Hoping to hear from you soon
I am Sir Respectfully
Your Ob't Servt
J.J. Gibbons
Mem State Legislature
Pery Co Ark