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Department of Public Instruction,
Office of Superintendent
Little Rock, Ark., Nov 6th 1868
Hon. W. M. Colby 
Supt. of Education
Bureau of Freedmen &c
Your communication in relation to the provisions made for the establishment of Common Schools in our state, was laid upon my desk by Mr. Wright.
In reply, I have the honor to state that except in one or two instances in the city of little Rock, no school either white or colored have as yet been put in operation under the Free School System of the state.
Steps have been taken to secure the enumeration of the children as a basis of the apportionment of the public money to the several counties. The amount to be distributed, as soon as the enumeration can be completed, will be about fifty thousand dollars. The schools will be opened as soon as a proper organization can be effective. Very truly yours
Thos Smith, Supt.