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Jacksonport Arkansas
March 10th 1869.

Maj. J. J. Watson 

Dear Friend:
I herewith enclose you a letter from Mr. E. C. Branch, teacher of Colored School at this place. Mr. Branch has labored incessantly for the past three or four months here in educating the Freed children with but little if any compensation. He is at present - endeavoring to continue his school under the promise of aid from the Free School System and in case that fail, resort to the
old method - Subscription - the Colored people are anxious to sustain their School but are not able. The Gov't paid for a time the rent of a School room here, but since the Bureau played out there is no person here by which to receive this donation. At my suggestion Mr Branch has written you the enclosed letter believing that you will give the matter your attention, and be more than willing to pay us a short visit.
Hoping you will give us your assistance in this matter