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Number of [[underline]] colored [[/underline]] schools and estimated number of pupils enrolled in the 2nd Judicial Dist. Nov. 1869. 

[[4 columned table]]
| County | Schools | Pupils |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Cross |   |   |   |
| Craighead |   |   |   |
| Green |   |   |   |
| Ponisett | Thirty |   |   |
| St. Francis | Fifty five |   |   | 
| Woodruff |   |   | One school commenced about ten days ago, of which I have no report. |
[[end of table]]

I would respectfully refer you to Cou. Annual Report. This day sent to Supt. Pub. Lieut. Little Rock. for number of pupils , in Dist. Schools have all closed with exception of three. until the winter tern. which will not commence much before the 1st Jany, 1870.
Very Respectfully, E.R. Knight, Cir. Supt.

Transcription Notes:
Confirm "Craighead" is correct as it is a county in Arkansas. Need to correct misspelling from "senf" to "sent". Instead of "cleared" it should be "closed". Instead of "tenn." it should be "term,".