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They have finally yielded however & perhaps nothing need be done. They, also, forbid all religious meetings in the house.

I have written to know whether it is the School Board, that is meant or the owners of the site. I do not see that the former should have anything to say & the latter ought to be a little modest till they get a better control of the house. 

Hughes goes to Missouri. I have been disappointed about Pierce whom I expected to go to Helena but another man (an Episcopalian but I judge a good man) wants the place. Meanwhile Mr. Jno. E. Patterson (colored) (of whom I wrote you) who taught there before desires to open the school. He has been speculating in cotton down there, I think is correct in his [[bobits?]] but not a Christian professor. Is smart & educated would he not do as an assistant? C H Howard
Rec'd O.S.E. Feb'y 11. 70

[[left margin]] P.S. Mastin has gone to Pine Bluff [[/left margin]]