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Osceola Miss. Co. Arkansas.
Feb 26th 1870.

Mr. W.M. Colby Esqr.
Little Rock Ark.

Dear Sir:

Enclosed you will find the check for ten (10) dollars which you sent me for rent 
of School-house. I presented it at the Post office in Memphis twice. the payment was refused both times. It is some-what defaced on account of getting torn. [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] with other
waste paper. You will please arrange it in order
that I may get the money.

You will also find reports for the months of July and September for which you will
please send checks. I would rather have them payable at Memphis, than any other place provided. I can collect them. Unless the System of free schools are better regulated we can't execute the business

Yours verry Respectfully,
J.O. Blackwood