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Series 154

Sc U 4178-4189 
S [[underline]] December 30, 1913 [[/underlined]] S

9 45 MC 4178 Pole

|   |Sc1|Sc2|Sc3|MC 4183|Mean|Diff.|PC Sc2|   |MC 4183|Mean|Diff.|
[[12 columns table]]

|5|   |   |   |   |   |   |5.5|   |5.4|5.45 10|0.94|
|6|   |   |   |   |   |   |6.2|   |6.1|6.15 0[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|0.83|
|8|   |   |   |   |   |   |7.0|   |6.9|6.95 0[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|1.15|
|9|   |   |   |   |   |   |7.7|   |7.4|7.55 1[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]]|1.15|
|10|4.6|   |   |4.3|4.45 2[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]][[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|[[strikethrough]]1.94[[/strikethrough]]4.44|[[strikethrough]]8.3[[/strikethrough]]7.9|   |7.7|7.80 1[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|1.09|
|11|4.9|   |   |[[strikethrough]]4.3[[/strikethrough]] 5.0|4.95 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]0|4.47|8.7^[[3]]|   |8.1|8.20 1[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|1.22|
|12|   |5.2|   |5.4|5.30 [[underlined]]1[[underlined]]1|4.43|8.7|   |8.5|8.60 1[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|1.13|
|13|   |5.6|   |5.7|5.65 01|4.52|9.2^[[9.20 00]]|9.0^[[9.2]]|8.8|9.00 20 [[underlined]]20[[/underlined]]|1.17|
|14|   |5.8|   |6.05|5.9[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]2 [[underlined]]12[[/underlined]] 13|4.60|9.5^[[9.50 00]]|9.3^[[9.5]]|9.10|9.30 20 [[underlined]]20[[/underlined]]|1.22|
|15|   |6.2|   |6.4|6.30 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1|4.64|
9.8^[[9.85 01]]|9.7^[[9.9]]|9.40|9.62 23 [[underlined]]22[[underlined]]|1.32|
|16|   |6.5|   |6.7| 6.6[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]0  [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1|4.66|   |   |9.70|
9.70 . a|1.56|
|17|   |6.7|   |6.9|6.80 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1|4.69|   |   |9.95|9.95 . a|1.54|
|18|   |7.0|   |7.3|7.15 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 1|4.77|   |   |   |   |   |
|19|   |7.2|   |7.6|7.40 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 2|4.88|   |   |   |   |   |
|20|   |7.5|   |7.9|7.70 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 2|4.89|   |   |   |   |   |
|23|   |7.9|   |8.3|8.10 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 2|5.10|   |   |   |   |   |
|25|   |8.2|   |8.7|8.45 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 3|5.28|   |   |   |   |   |
|26|   |8.6|   |9.00|8.80 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] 2|5.39|   |   |   |   |   |
|27|   |9.0^[[9.05 01]]|8.9^[[9.1]]|9.15|9.10 [[underlined]]05[[/underlined]] 05|5.45|   |   |   |   |   |
|28|   |9.5^[[9.45 10]]|9.2^[[9.4]]|9.45|
9.45 00 00|5.52|   |   |   |   |   |
|29|   |9.9^[[9.90 00]]|9.7^[[9.9]]|9.90|
9.90 00 00|5.62|   |   |   |   |   |

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Transcription Notes:
This page should be reformatted as a table. Please see advanced instructions for further info on transcribing columned data. Thank you! - Emily, TC staff