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Sell Copied Card Series 154
S December 31, 1913 

[[7 columned table]]
|   |MC|4186|[^[[?]] 2|^[[S]] 0 + 4.5|(Carte du|ciel)|^[[S]] Alt +.11|
|   |   |   |Curve|Magn.|   |Curve|Magn.|
|1|4.1|  |4.53|8.63^[[76]]|7.2 1.14|8.34^[[.47]]|
|3=2|   |5.2|4.60|9.80^[[93]]|8.7 1.25|9.95^[[10.08]]|
|5=3|   |5.7|4.65|10.35^48|9.1^[[9.15 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 0]]  9.0^[[9.2]]|1.30|10.45^[[.58]]|
|6=4|   |6.2|4.72|10.92^[[11.06]]|   
|7=5|   |6.5|4.78|11.28^[[.42]]|   
|8=6|   |6.6|4.80|11.40^[[.54]]|  
|9=7|   |7.0|4.89|11.89^[[12.03]]|  
|10=8|   |7.2|4.95|12.15^[[.29]]|  
|12=9|   |7.9|5.20|13.10^[[.24]]| 
|13=10|   |8.2|5.28|13.48^[[.62]]| 
|14=11|   |8.5|5.[[strikethrough]]42[[/strikethrough]]36|13.[[strikethrough]]92[[/strikethrough]]86^[[14.00]]| 
|16=12|   |9.0^[[9.05 0 1]] 8.9^[[9.1]]|5.45|14.50^[[.64]]|  
|[[asterisk]]13|[[strikethrough]]9.2 9.0 [[/strikethrough]]^[[9.2000 9.2]]|[[strikethrough]]5.48 [[/strikethrough]]|[[strikethrough]]14.68[[/strikethrough]]|
|17=14|   |9.5^[[9.45 1 0]] 9.2^[[9.4]]|5.52|14.97^[[15.11]]|
|[[asterisk]]15|   |[[strikethrough]]9.7 9.7[[/strikethrough]]^[[9.80 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]] ^[[9.9]]|[[strikethrough]]5.56[[/strikethrough]]|[[strikethrough]][[underlined]]15.36[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]|

[[asterisk]] No. 13 = Pris Comp.} June 25, 1914
[[asterisk]] No. 15 = Def.
[[asterisk]] Sell note of curve for explanation.

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
[[Note]] There are dots above the numbers under "curve" and "magnitude" areas. The red "S" always goes with the Magnification. You will always see it above "Magn" on these pages. Had to reopen. A lot was in error. numbers weren't put with a decimal, [[strikethrough]] had been misspelled as [[strikethourgh]]. Empty columns wrong size, and some don't need them. Redid some things. ^[[79]] - added brackets around all these kind of numbers.