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January 10,1914

Sc M     Series 148  Copied

|MC4120|[[R]] Arictis|2 10 + 24.6 alt. +. 20
|a|Sc1 Sc2| |P.C 7.0|
|On edge of Pl. b| Curve|Magn.|7.3?|
|"  "    "   "  c| | |7.5?|
|d|2.3 2.5| |7.4|
|e|4.0 5.08|9.08|9.0|
|f|3.8| |8.9 Omit|
|g|5.0 5.20|10.20|9.7|
|h|4.7 5.18|9.88|9.1|
|k|5.1 5.21|10.31|9.8|
|k2|5.5 5.23|10.73|
|l|6.1 5.21|11.31|
|* m'|6.7 5.13|11.83|
|n'|7.1 5.07|12.17|
|o'|7.5 5.00|12.50|
|p'|8.1 4.90|13.00|
|q'|8.5 4.84|13.34|
|r'|9.0 4.80|13.80|
|s'|9.4 4.78|14.18|
|t'|9.7 4.78|14.48|
|u'|10.0 4.78|14.78|
|10 25|

*Designation of these stars (m' and following) changed from m, n , o etc to m', n', o' etc. 
See note on ?? Hate cover.