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Series 10 (1st half)

Sc P|[[underlined]]May 15,1915[[/underlined]]|
10 5|A10913 B7|   |   |   |   |
Off pl. 1|^[[Sc1 Sc2]]| 
  |^[[Diff]]|^[[Pc]] 30|F
On edge of film 2|   |   |   |   |   |
Near edge 3|Br.|   |   |8.0 0.11|   |
4|2.7^[[2.4]]|   |5.80|8.1 0.10|   |
5|3.1^[[2.8]]|   |5.76|8.5 0.06|   |
6|3.2^[[2.9]] 3.5^[[3.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]^[[2]]]] 3.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]^[[0]]5 .[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]2^[[[[strikethrough]][[underline]]3[[/underline]].4[[/strikethrough]]]]|   |5.[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]^[[8]]9|8.5|0.44|   |
On edge of film 7|   |   |   |[[strikethrough]]8.1[[/strikethrough]]9.40 1[[underline]]1[[/underline]]|   |
8|3.7^[[3.4]] 3.9^[[3.6]] 3.50 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1|   |6.10 w.s|[[strikethrough]]8.1[[/strikethrough]]^[[9.5 9.3]] 0.20|   |
Near edge of film 9|   |   |   |   |   |
10|3.9^[[3.6]]|   |6.49|   |   |
11|4.1^[[3.8]] 3.85 01 3.9^[[3.6]]|   |6.26|   |   |
12|4.2^[[[[strikethrough]]3.9[[/strikethrough]] 4.15]]|4.1^[[[[strikethrough]]3.8[[/strikethrough]]^[[0[[underline]]1[[/underline]]]]]]|6.21|   |   |
13|4.2|   |6.46|   |   |
14|4.3|   |6.52|   |   |
15|4.7|   |6.29|   |   |
16|4.7|   |6.53|   |   |
17|5.0|   |6.56|   |   |
18|5.1^[[5.20]]|5.3^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1]]|   6.49|   |   |
19|5.9^[[5.80]]|5.7^[[1[[underline]]1[[/underline]]|6.21|   |   |
20|6.0|   |6.26|   |   |
21|6.5^[[6.60]]|6.7^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]1]]|6.21|   |   |
22|7.0|   |6.26|   |   |
23|7.4|   |6.00|   |Ch. F.C.|   |
24|8.0^[[7.95]]|7.9^[[0[[underline]]1[[/underline]]]]|5.95|   |   |
25|8.7|   |5.97|   |   |
26|8.5|   |5.78|   |   |
27|9.0^[[9.00]]|9.0^[[00]]|5.58|   |   |
28|9.3^[[9.30]]|9.3^[[00]]|5.76|PC's poor hazy|   |
29|9.5^[[9.60]]|9.7^[[[[unswerline]]1[[/underline]]1]]|5.86|Images slightly  [[?]]|   |


John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Last word in text not clear.