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MC Series 674
Sc V  February 21, 1919
^[[Copied Bk. 9a: 172]]
MC10976 RZ Draconis ^[[alt corr +21]]

[[13 column table]]
|var seq|sc1|sc2|curve|magn|g|   |h|curve|magn|pc|curve|magn|
|a|   |3.8|   |   |8.1|8.06|8.0|0.72|8.77|9.0|-0.06|8.94|
|a'|  |4.7|4.58|9.28|8.9|8.90|8.9|0.71|9.61|9.8|-0.02|9.78|
|b|   |B|   |   |6.9|6.95|7.0|0.87|7.82|7.5|+0.15|7.65|
|c|   |5.6|4.50|10.10|9.8|   |7|0.86|10.66|   |   
|d|   |5.7|4.49|10.19|9.7|   |7|0.84|10.54|     
|e|   |6.5|4.43 10.93 | ns |   | . | 
|f|   |5.5|4.50|10.00|9.7|9.70|0.84|10.54|
|g|   |6.3|4.45|10.75|
|h|   |7.1|4.40|11.50|
|k|   |7.7|4.36|12.06|
|l|   |7.8|4.36|12.16|
|m|   |8.3|4.35|12.65|
|n|   |8.5|4.35|12.85|
|o|   |8.9|4.35|13.25|
|p|   |9.1|4.35|13.45|
|q|   |9.8|4.37|14.17|
|var.|   |5.2|4.53|9.73|9.5|9.50|9.5||

Transcription Notes:
Someone accidentally pressed "Completed", but it was only half done. REOPENED.0 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 23:15:20