Viewing page 21 of 232

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MC Series [[strikethrough]]578[[/strikethrough]] 674
Magnitudes for Prof. Schlesinger
ScV  ^[[Plotted sheet 411]] 
February 21, 1919
11:45 MC 10972 Pole 
[[15 column table]]
|Sc1|Sc2|MC10977|Mean|Diff|g|   |h|10977^[[MC]]|Mean|Diff|PC|MC|Mean|Diff|
|5|   |B|   |   |   |5.5 5.50|5.5|5.30|5.40^[[0000]]|1.09|6.3|6.3|6.30^[[0 0]]|0.19|
|6|   |B|   |   |   |6.0 6.05|6.1|6.10|6.08^[[[[underlined]] 03[[/underlined]] 02]]|1.03|6.8|6.8|6.80^[[0 0]|0.31|
|8|   |B|   |   |   |7.3 7.30|7.3|7.50|7.40^[[[[underlined]]10[[/underlined]] 10]]|[[strikethrough]].91[[/strikethrough]]0.8|8.0|8.2|8.10^[[[[underlined]8.10|+0.13|
|9|   |B|   |   |   |8.0 8.00|8.0|8.25|8.12^[[[[underlined]]12[[/underlined]] 13]]|0.71|9.0|9.0|9.00^[[0 0]]|-0.17|
|10|   |4.5|4.3|4.40^[[10 [[underlined]]10[[/underlined]]]]|4.62|8.2 8.25|8.3|8.50|8.38^[[[[underlined]]13[[/underlined]] 12]]|0.64|9.1|near br. st.^[[9.2]]|near br. st. ^[[9.15^[[[[underlined[[1[[/underlined]] 0]]|-0.13
|11|   |5.0|5.0|5.00^[[0 0]]|4.55|8.7 8.70|8.7|8.90|8.80^[[[[underlined]]10[[/underlined]] 10]]|0.75|9.5|-|9.5^[[A.]]|+0 .05|
|12|   |5.4|5.3 5.35^[[0 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]]]|4.51|9.0 9.00|9.0|9.10|9.06^[[[[underlined]]05[[/underlined]] 05]]|0.81|9.8|-|9.8^[[A.]]|+0.06|
|13|   |5.8|5.7|6.75^[[0 1]]|4.55|9.3 9.40|9.5|9.60|9.50^[[[[underlined]]10[[/underlined]] 10]]|0.80|   |   |   |   |
|14|   |6.1|6.3|6.20^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]]|4.45|9.8 9.80|9.8|-|9.80^[[00 00]]|0.85|   |   |   |   |
|15|  |6.5|6.7|6.60^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]]|4.48|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|16|   |6.9|7.0|6.95^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 0]]|4.45|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|17|   |7.3|7.3|7.30^[[0 0]]|4.33|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|18|   |7.8|7.8|7.80^[[0 0]]|4.26|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|19|   |8.1|8.1|8.10^[[0 0]]|4.32|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|20|   |8.3|8.5|8.40^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]]|4.33|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|23|    |8.9|9.0|8.95^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 0]]|4.39|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   |
|25|    |9.5|9.7|9.60^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]]|[[strikethrough]]4.04[[/strikethrough]]4.27|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|26|    |9.8|.|9.8^[[A.]]|4.53|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Plates full of defects _

Transcription Notes:
Had to fix ^[[ ]] entries. The letter or whatever it is near end of #11, for instance, is not a "4". Looks like an "A", or is it for Alpha? Not sure about it. It occurs in others. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 23:12:54