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Copied Bk. 38:20
MC Series 723
ScV February 25, 1919
MC 11746 U U cass.  ^[[Alt cor. +20]]
|V Seq.|Sc1| Sc2|Curve Magn.|g h| Curve Magn.|PC|Curve Magn.|
a|3.0^[[3.2[[strikethrough]] 2[[strikethrough]]1|   |5.9 9.01|7.5 7.50 7.5|1.72 9.22|8.7|0.63 9.33|
b|3.5[3.6]|   |5.88 9.48|8.0 8.00 8.0|1.64 9.64|9.0^[[9.10]]9.2| 0.58 9.68|
Jordaius a=c|3.5^[[3.6]]|   |5.88 9.48|8.3^[[8.1]] 8.20 8.3^[[8.1]]|1.60 9.80|9.4|0.52 9.92|
Jordaius [[strikethrough]] b[[/strikethrough]]d=[[strikethrough]] d[[/strikethrough]]e|   |4.4|5.79 10.19|8.9 8.95 9.0|1.48 10.43|F|   |
Jordaius b=d|   |4.0|5.84 9.84|8.5 8.60 8.|1.52 10.12|   |   |
Jordaius e=f|   |4.6|5.78 10.38|9.0 9.00 9.0|1.48 10.48|   |   |
g|   |5.5|5.65 11.15|9.8 F|1.47 11.27|   |   |
h|   |6.3|5.50 11.80|   |   |   |   |
k|   |7.1|5.34 12.44|   |   |   |   |
v|   |3.9|5.85 9.75|8.5 8.50 8.5|1.48 9.98|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 23:26:40