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MC Series 741
[[underline]]March [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]4, 1919[[/underline]]
ScV 9:20 ^[[Plotted sheet 405]] 
MC 12111 Pole 
[[16 column Table]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|MC 12116|Mean|Diff|g|   |h|MC 12116|Mean|Diff|PC|MC 12116|Mean|Diff|
|5|   |B|   |   |   |4.0|3.95|3.9|3.90|3.92^[[03 [[underlined]]02[[/underlined]]]]|2.57|5.4|5.3|5.35^[[0 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]]]|1.14|
|6|   |B|   |   |   |4.7|4.70|4.7|4.90|4.80^ [[[[underlined]]10[[/underlined]] 10]]|2.31|6.1|6.0|6.05^[[10]]|1.06|
|8|   |B|   |   |   |6.2|6.15|6.1|6.10|6.12^[[03 [[underlined]] 02[[/underlined]]]]|[[strikethrough]]1.19[[/strikethrough]] 2.11|7.5|7.5|7.50^[[0 
|9|   |B|   |   |   |6.7 6.70|6.7|6.70|6.70^[[00 00]] |2.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]13|8.1|8.0|8.05^[[10]]|0.78|
|10|3.0^[[3.1]]|   |2.9|3.00^[[1[[underlined]]1 [[/underlined]]]]|6.02|7.0 7.05|7.1|7.10|7.08^[[[[underlined]]03[[/underlined]]02]]|1.94|8.5|8.5|8.50^[[00]]|0.52|
|11|3.5^[[3.6]]|   |3.6|3.60^[[00]]|5.95|7.5 7.60|7.7|7.87|7.68^[[[[underlined]]08[[/underlined]]09]]|1.87|9.0|9.0|9.00^[[00]|0.55|
|12|3.8^[[3.9]]3.95|4.0|4.0|3.98^[[[[underlined]]03[[/underlined]] 02]]|5.88|8.0 8.00|8.0|8.05|8.02^[[[[underlined]]02[[/underlined]] 03]]|1.84|9.3|9.40|9.35^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 0]]|0.51|
|13|   |4.4|4.5|4.45^[[01]]|6.85|8.5 8.40|8.3||8.50|8.45^[[[[underline]]05[[/underline]] 05]]|1.85|9.8|9.85|9.82^[[[[underline]]02[[/underline]] 03]]|0.48|
|14|   |4.9|4.9|4.90^[[0 0]]|5.75|8.9 8.95|9.0|9.05|9.00^[[[[underline]]05[[/underline]] 05]]|1.65|F|   |   |   |
|15|   |5.4|5.5|5.45^[[0 1]]|5.63|9.3 9.30|9.3|9.75||9.52^[[[[underline]]22[[/underline]] 23 [[strikethrough]]11 11[[/strikethrough]]]]|1.56|   |   |   |   |
|16|   |5.8|5.9|5.85^[[0 1]]|5.55|  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|17|   |6.1|6.2|6.15^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]] 0]]|5.48|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|18|   |6.8|6.9|6.85^[[0 1]]|5.21|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|19|   |7.1|7.1|7.10^[[0 0]]|5.32|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|20|   |7.3|7.5|7.40^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]] 1]]|5.33|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|23|   |8.0|8.1|8.05^[[0 1]]|5.29|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|25|   |8.6|8.7|8.6[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]5^[[0 1]]|5.22|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|26|   |9.0|9.1|9.05^[[0 1]]|5.28|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|27|   |9 5|9.5|9.50^[[0 0]]|5.19|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|28|   |9.9|9.85|9.88^[[02 [[underline]]03[[/underline]]]]|5.23|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
[[/15 column table]]
John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
-slanted lines going the wrong way. The should go /, not \. They are all wrong. Will reopen and fix. Reviewer missed every single one. - missing |---|---| to show formatting at top.