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Plotted sheet 404 Measures for Rel. Magnitude
ScV March 7, 1919 
MC10848 cont TT Lyrae
[[9 column table]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|Diff|g|h|Diff|PC|Diff|
|a|   |B|   |6.3 6.30|6.3|1.90[[strikethrough]]1.09 uru|7.5^[[7]][[/strikethrough]]7.3|7.15|7.0|1.05|
|b|   |B|   |6.7 6.70|6.7|2.11|7.5|1.31|
|c|3.2^[[3.3]]|   |5.93|7.1 7.10|7.1|3.13|7.8|1.43|
|d|3.5^[[3.6]]|   |5.85|7.5 7.50|7.5|1.95|8.3|1.15|
|e|3.7^[[3.8]] 3.85|3.9|5.75|7.8 7.80|7.8|1.80|8.5|1.10|
|f|   |4.1|5.74|8.0 8.05|8.1|1.79|8.8|1.04|
|g|   |4.1 4.20 4.3|5.56|8.1 8.20|8.3|1.56|8.9|0.86|
|h|   |4.3|5.60|8.5 8.50|8.5|1.40|9.1|0.80|
|k|   |4.6|5.83|8.9 8.90|8.9|1.53|9.5|0.93|
|l|   |5.3|5.47|9.5 9.50|9.5|1.27|F|   |
|m|   |5.5|5.78|9.8 9.80|9.8|1.48|   |   |
|n|   |5.7|5.61|   |   |   |   |
|o|   |5.9|5.45|   |   |   |   |
|p|   |6.0|5.44|   |   |   |   |
|q|   |6.3|5.66|   |   |   |   |
|^[[Star Sup? dbl?]][[symbol - right arrow]] r|   |6.7?|5.41?|   |   |   |   |
|s|   |7.3|5.29|   |   |   |   |
|t|   |7.5 7.60 7.7|5.37|   |   |   |   |
|w|   |8.0|5.54|   |   |   |   |
|x|   |8.5|5.30|   |   |   |   |
|z|   |9.3|5.01|   |   |   |   |
|Upsilon|   |B|   |6.7 6.70|6.7| . |Scr.|   |
|Gamma|   |B|   |6.5 6.50|6.5|2.05|2.05|7.7 ^[[7.60]] 7.5|1.05|
|Var.|   |5.5|   |9.5 9.50|9.5| . |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED. MISTAKES. Errors with columns. Other special instruction omissions. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 22:27:01