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Measures for Rel. Magnitudes
[[underlined]]March 7, 1919[[/underlined]]
ScV ^[[Copied B9a:169]]   
10:30 MC10848 R R Lyrae .
[[12 column table]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|Curve|Magn|g|h|Curve|Magn|PC|Curve|Magn|
a|   |B|   |   |4.1 4.10|4.1| . |   |5.1| . |   |
a1|   |B|   |   |5.9 6.00|6.1| . |   |7.1|1.30|8.40
b|   |B|   |   |4.5 4.50|4.5| . |   |5.4| . |   |
Gamma=c|  B|   |5.3 5.30|5.3| . |   |6.2| . |   |
d|   |B|   |   |6.5 6.50|6.5|2.07|8.57|7.3|1.28|8.58
e|3.1^[[3.2]]|   | . | . |6.9 6.90|6.9|[[strikethrough]]2.[[/strikethrough]]1.97|8.87|7.8|1.21|9.01
e^[[1]]|3.3^[[3.4]]|   |5.85|9.25|7.3 7.40|7.5|1.86|9.26|8.2 8.15 8.1|1.15|9.30
f|3.9^[[4.0]] 4.00|4.0|5.78|9.78|8.0 8.05|8.1|1.71|9.76|8.8|0.98|9.78
g|   |4.5|5.72|10.22|8.5 8.50|8.5|1.61|10.11|9.3|0.88|10.18
h|   |5.3|5.63|10.93|9.1 9.20|9.3|1.45|10.65|F|   |
k|   |5.9|5.58|11.48|9.8 9.80|9.8|1.31|11.11|   |   |   
l|   |6.3|5.52|11.82|   |   |   |   |   |   |   
m|   |6.8|5.48|12.28|   |   |   |   |   |   |   
n|   |7.3|5.41|12.71|   |   |   |   |   |   |   
o|   |7.7|5.37|13.07|   |   |   |   |   |   |   
p|   |8.1 8.20|8.3|5.30|13.50|   |   |   |   |   |      
B|   |B|   |6.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]1 6.10 6.1|2.17|8.27|6.7|1.23|7.93
Var.|   |B|   |   |   |6.8|1.22|8.02|   |   |
g^[[1]]|   |5.5|5.61|11.11|9.7 9.70|9.7|1.33|11.03|   |   
e^[[2]]|3.2^[[3.3]]|   |   |   |7.3 7.20|7.1|1.91|9.11|7.8|0.99|8.79

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. Errors. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 22:26:20