Viewing page 24 of 230

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Rich Scut. Sob
Sc V June 26, 1919
Cat.  MC 15293  

[[3 column table]]
    | Sc 1 | Sc 2  
 --- | --- | --- 

283 |   | 6.5  
284 |   ] 4.5  
285 |   ]| 3.8 
^[[Sup?]] 286 |   | 6.3  
p 287 |   | 7.9  
288 |   | 7.1  
289 |   | 7.1  
290 |   | 5.5  
291 |   | 6.0  
292 |   | 6.1  
293 |   | 8.2  
294 |   | 7.1   
295 |   | 7.7   
296 |   | 7.3  
297 |   | 7.5  
298 |   | 6.8  
299 |   | 6.9  
300 |   | 5.5  
301 |   | 6.2  
302 |   | 6.0   
303 |   | 7.0  
304 |   | 7.3   
305 |   | 5.7  
306 |   | 6.3   
296a |   | 8.5  
297a |   | 78   
300a |   | 7.7  

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Changed table format. Looks good overall. REOPENED. Still two mistakes. one was the use of ] instead of a bar to separate columns.Reopened again to fix "YELLOW".