Viewing page 28 of 230

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Rich Scut. Sob. 
Sc V June 28, 1919 

Cat  MC15293 
[[2 column table]]
| --- | --- |
| 332 | 5.6 |
| 333 | 5.9 |
| 337 | 7.5 |
| 335 | 8.0 |
| 336 | 8.5 |
| 334 | 6.0 |
| 338 | 4.9 |
| 339 | 5.3 |
| 340 | 5.3 |
| 341 | 5.9 |
| 344a| 7.2 |
| 342 | 6.3 |
| 343 | 6.7 |
| 344 | 6.3 |
| 345 | 5.5 |
| 346 | 6.0 |
| 347 | ^[[w.s.]] [[strikethrough]] 6.4 [[/strikethrough]] 5.7 |
| 348 | 6.3 |
| 349 | 5.5|
| 350 | 4.9 |
| 351 | 5.9 |
| 352 | 7.0 |
| 353 | 7.7 |
| 354 | 7.0 |
| 345a | 6.9 |
| 354a | 7.5 |
John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. Reviewer left several mistakes.