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                 Aug 18,1919
                Pola Seq Prim
Seq U| MC1600| MC 16001| MC16002| MC16003|
Sc1| Sc2| Sc1| Sc2| Sc1| Sc2| Sc2|
a|+24l| 4.9| +35l|
b| 7l| 5.5| [[crossed out]] 22l|
c| 29l| [[\crossed out +11l/]]| 5.7| 44l
d| +24l| 6.2| 38l
e| +11l| 7.1| [[?]]23l
f| +22l| 8.0| +34l
g| +18l| 8.5| 33l
h| 17l|  8.9| 32l
K| +18l| 9.5| 29l
l| +16l| 7|   30l
878| -46l| 4.1 [[\crossed out 3.9/]]| -46l| 4.2| 65l| 4.3| 4.0|
894| -52l| 4.2| -52l| 4.2| 85l| 4.5| 4.1
949| [[\44l/]]3.5| 44l| 3.9| 94l| 4.1| 3.9
958|25l| 5.8| 25l| 5.9| +88l| 6.1| 5.9
966| 28l| 40| 28l| 4.1|+93l| 4.3| 4.1
2035| -27l [[\2.8/]]| 30|-27l| 3.2 [[\3.0/]]|76l| 3.4 [[\3.2/]]| 3.2[[\3.0/]]
323| Off fe| Off fe.| Off fe.| 5.0
326| [[DO]]| [[DO]]| [[DO]]| 6.3|
[[DO]]13| On edge of film| [[DO]]| [[DO]]| 5.7
Seq R| a| | -79l| 5.3| 
b| | 89 [[\strike through 79/]]l| 5.5
c| | 77 [[\strike through -68/]]l| 6.1 
d| | -[[\strike through 5/]]64l| 6.9
e| | 70 -[[\strike through 62/]]l| 7.5
f| | 65 -[[\strike through 58/]]l| 7.8
g| | 75 -[[\strike through 62/]]l| 7.9
h| | 70 -[[\strike through 61]]l| 8.7
K| | -[[strike through 62]]70| 8.9
2 P.M. Cmg17 l|-[[strike through59]]66.| 99? 
Sight-very poor. 
[[Typeface on bottom]] John G. Wolback Library Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics . Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
\/ written in same cell but above or below