Viewing page 50 of 230

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Sc M           [[underlined]]Aug 23, 1909[[/underlined]]
Polar Seq. Prism
12:15     MC 16009 ^[[Srr.0]] 
Polar Seq.
[[5 Columned table]]

|   | Sc 1 | Sc 2 |   | Diff. from page 41 |
|2| _ |   |   |   |
|4|1.0 1.2|   |1.2|0|
|6|Off pl.|   | . | .|
|8|3.1 3.3|3.3|   |3.3|   |
|10|3.7 3.9 | 3.9 |3.90|+2|
|12|   | 4.9 |4.9|0|
|14|   | 5.9 |5.9|-1|
|16|   | 7.2 |7.2|+1|
|18|   | 7.9 |7.9|+1|
|20|   | F |   |   |
[[/5 Columned table]]
Make no corrections in plates measured at second setting

Stopped at 1.30
to connect with meas_p 41

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Data System [[dot]] Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System