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fever. After their deaths I made my escape to the union lines with four other escaped prisoners and some civilians. 

The above record, contained in a letter from one of the escaped prisoners and certified by Major Jay T Pratt who was Provost Marshal at Hilton Head at the time I arrived there, is on file in the War department at Washington, having been forwarded there with a letter of application for transportation from New York to this city, about the 28th August or 1st Sept 1865, the facts can also be verified collaterally by some parties here and the books of the department. 

I am now in need of employment, am fully competent to take charge of a set of books in any office and am also a fair accountant. I would prefer a place under you as I am intimately acquainted with Mess Carr and Rutherford of either of whom you may inquire concerning me. 

Trusting that this will meet with your favorable consideration

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully &c
Robert B Stanley
363 King St
Charleston S.C. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-13 23:00:06