Viewing page 62 of 299

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[[4 column table]]
|1866|   |Mary Lewis   Dr|   |
|   |   |c/o A.G. Parhane|   |
|April 1st| To|13 Yds striped cotton 40 c|$5.20|
|April 1st| To|making 2 drapes 50c each|1.00|
|June 3rd| To|6 yds cotton cloth 30 c per yd|1.80|
|June 3rd| To|making 2 Chimys 37 1/2|.75|
|   | To|1 month board after child birth|8.00|
|   | To|Cash paid midwife|2.00|
|   | To|hire of horse to go after midwife –|.50|
|July 2nd| To| Clothing made for child|.50|
|   | To|coffin for child|1.50|
|   | To|10 yds Calico 25c|2.50|
|   | To |1 Spool cotton 10c|.10|
|   | To|making [dress] -75c|.75|
|Octr 16th| To|1 Cash paid for going in fair|.25|
|Octr 16th| To| 1 Cotton undershirt 75c|.75|
|   |   |1 Pr Cotton stockings|.25|
|   |   |1 Palmetto Hat & Trimmings|1.50|
|   |   |1 Pr shoes|2.50|
|Dec 11th|   |1 Pr Coarse stockings|.50|
|11th|   |1 Pr winter shoes|2.50|
|11th|   |1 Spelling Book|.25|
|11th|   |1 Corsette|.50|
|   |   |   |────|
|   |   |   |$33.60|

Rec'd paymnt
Feby 3 1868 A.C. Parham

Transcription Notes:
Transcribe " marks or "Do". Somehow Reviewer before me didn't see this, and this has happened a few times in this set. Also didn't make | | wide enough.