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Mary Crews Dr
To A.C. Pasham

Nov. 1st | To 12 yds Striped cotton 40¢ | $4.80
   | To making 2 dresses 50¢ | 1.00
   | To 1 Hankerchief 25¢ | .25
Dec'r 4th | To 6 yds white cloth 30¢ | 1.80
   | To making 2 Chimys 25¢ each | .50
   | To 1 Black Cloak | 2.00
   | To 4 lbs cotton to put in comfort 40¢ | 1.60
   | To Lincing & thread for comfort | .50
   | To 1 Yarn Bed Blkt | 2.50
   | To Pr winter Shoes | 2.00
   | To Pr woolen Stockings 50¢ | .50
   | To Hood 75¢ | .75
   | To 3 yds Flannel 50¢ or yd | 1.50
   |   | $19.70

Rec'd payment
Febry 3d 1868
A.C. Pasham