Viewing page 92 of 299

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[3 Columned Table]]
1867 |   |  
--- | --- | --- 
   | To amt of a/c brot forward | 51 65
Jan 1st | To 14 lbs cotton 26 cents | 3 64
Jan 1st | To 2 pr shoes 3 00 @pr | 6 00
Mar 2nd | To cash by ABA | 2 00
Mar 8 | To cash by ABA | 2 00
Mar 9 | To 1 Bunch cotton for wife | 3 25
Mar 9 | To 1 Bunch cotton for Margret | 3 25
Apr 1st | To cash by ABA | 1 00
Apr 5 | To cash by ABA | 1 00
   | To one plow Broke by Jasper | 4 00
   |   |─────
   |   | $77.79
   | To board 18 days 30 cents a day self | 5 40
   | To board 18 days 30 cents a day for Bill | 4 20
   |   |  ─────
   |   | $87.39
   | To 3 plows & mules 1/2 day | 2 75
   |   | ─────
   |   | 90.14
   | To 1/4 corn & fodder made on plant  Deduct | 5 00
   |   | ─────
   |   | 85.14
[[/3 columned table]]

8.94 -

Amt due from Jasper for work  56.18¢ 

Transcription Notes:
**Why was this deemed "Complete"? It had 9 questionable things, and table not done correctly.Most individual entries are missing decimals, but looking at the Totals one can understand them. I will try to fix everything after reopening.